Tree Top Times

Dog Damage to Lawns – What Can You Do?

Dog Damage to Lawns Those of us who own dogs see our beloved four legged friends as family, but just like a kid, having dogs means some extra work beyond the normal care and love all dogs need and crave. One of often unexpected issues with owning a dog is the damage they do to […]

Winter Lawn Care Tips

While the winter months is not a normal time to think about lawn care, there are a few things everyone can do to keep lawns in the best condition possible for greening up when spring arrives. Ice-melt and Salt Damage: Icy walks are treacherous and some salt or other ice-melt products are needed to prevent […]

Wrapping trees for Winter – it helps!

Wrapping young and/or thin barked trees in the winter is helpful to prevent sunscald in the winter. Trunk wrapping paper provides a layer of protection from the large temperature shifts and intense southwestern sun exposure we experience in the winter. Preventing trunk damage ensures your trees vascular system will be able to move water, sugar, […]

Pine Wilt Disease found in Scotch and Austrian Pines

As winter approaches, dead Scotch and Austrian Pines have been appearing with more frequency in Colorado Springs. The culprit has been found to be the Pinewood nematode, a native to North America. It does not generally cause mortality in native Pines, but in exotic Pines it causes a fatal wilt disease. It can be deadly […]

Winter Lawn Maintenance Tips:

While the winter months is not a normal time to think about lawn care, there are a few things everyone can do to keep lawns in the best condition possible for greening up when spring arrives. Keep Lawn Areas Clean: It is not uncommon for items to be left out and forgotten about once the […]

Winter Watering – Put on your to-do list!

We may sound like a broken record when we talk about watering trees in the winter, but somehow this crucial practice remains one of the most overlooked tasks of caring for trees in Colorado. Maintaining adequate soil moisture helps to prevent unnecessary root loss due to desiccation. It is always our hope that Mother Nature […]

Fireblight – What to do?

Although this fall has been exceptionally warm, we know that the cold temperatures are right around the corner. The cold temperatures offer an opportunity to begin pruning trees and shrubs that are currently, or potentially, infected by various fungal and bacterial diseases. These diseases are less active in the dormant season, so the likelihood of […]

Fight the Mite!

Near Record September and October temperatures are exploding mite activity in the Denver Metro area! Mountain High can team with you to help prevent costly mite damage. A combination of late fall and winter watering along with sprays to reduce mite populations can save areas of turf. Mite information: Lawn areas that are west and […]

Be Prepared For Winter Mites

Winter mites are starting to appear as sprinkler systems are turned off and lawns dry out: The warm days and cold nights this October have caused mites to come out early. Lawn mite populations are already high, so damage is already starting in dry and sunny areas of lawns. As soon as the sprinkler systems […]