Tree Top Times

May Lawn Tips

Lawn Lee’s May Lawn Tips:  We are right around the corner from the cooler spring weather changing over to the heat of the summer. Here are a few things home owners can do and should know about their lawns. Watering: Most lawns in our area consist of cool-season lawn grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue. […]

Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth “They’re back”!

COLORADO SPRINGS BRANCH NEWS Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth (Orgyia pseudotsugata) Populations of this defoliating caterpillar surged in 2014 in Colorado Springs.  You can see groups of partially or totally defoliated trees in many areas.  Especially noticeable were Spruce trees with a distinctive orange colorations along the Academy Blvd. corridor and a large area of Gray Fir trees […]

Emerald Ash Borer University

As Arborists in Denver, Mountain High Tree staff members attend and participate in many ongoing education programs so that we’re on the cusp of what is going on in the tree service industry. One of the biggest tree service topics today is the arrival of the Emerald Ash Borer in Boulder, Colorado in 2013. This devastating […]

Mosquito Repelling plants in Denver

Rosemary, Horsemint, Marigold, Lemon Balm, Ageratum, Cintronella, Catnip, Basil, Lemon Thyme and Lavender are all mosquito repellents… who knew?! We have some of these planted in our gardens, but maybe they all have to be planted together to work! We love all these plants for our landscapes as well as container gardens, so we’ll keep […]

How to detect Emerald Ash Borer in Ash Branches

Watch the video above from to see how the branches can be peeled to detect galleries and larvae.  The Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Colorado. With it’s arrival, many of our urban Ash Trees are threatened by this pest. Early detection of it’s presence is crucial to planning and carrying out control in our […]

Wood Boring Insects of Ash Trees

Ash is one of the most widely planted trees in Colorado, with most plantings either involving green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) or white ash (F. americana). Several insects are associated with these plants, including leafcurling aphids, various caterpillars and sawflies that chew the leaves, and wood borers and bark beetles that develop within the trunk and […]

Emerald Ash Borer in Colorado

Denver Colorado, 09/28/13: PEST ALERT: EMERALD ASH BORER FOUND IN BOULDER COUNTY The Colorado Department of Agriculture confirmed today that the Emerald Ash Borer was found in Boulder County. This destructive pest has caused billions in damaged across the Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois. We have been following this insect and knew this would happen, but […]

Banks Turf Mite Facts

Banks turf mites are a common destructive insect that will cause severe damage to drought stressed turf. These mites begin to feed and destroy lawns starting as early as December and will continue to feed through the winter season. The damage to a lawn is not recognized until lawns begin to come out of dormancy […]

Getting Your Turf Ready for Next Spring

Fertilize in fall to get a jump on your green lawn for next year and winter mite control. Early fall is a great time to think about helping your turf get started on the right foot next spring. The cooler weather allows for more effective weed control. The heat of the summer actually forces some […]