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Stressed Out Trees in Denver

Our Trees are stressed out!

Stressed Tree
Stressed Tree

The extremely dry winters these past two years in combination with the unseasonably warm temperatures this spring have us concerned about the health of our trees around town. Even with the recent rainfall, many of our trees are not going to make it. Take a drive around town and you will notice many dead trees in difficult areas like parking lots and street medians as well as in your own residential area.

Stressed trees will show the following conditions:

  • Significantly heavy flowering for consecutive years
  • Extremely large crops of seed/fruit production
  • Thin leaf canopies
  • Small or underdeveloped leaf tissue
  • Branch dieback from the tips down to larger branches
  • Increased susceptibility to disease pathogens
  • Increased susceptibility to insect attack
Stressed Tree
Stressed Tree

For many trees, it is difficult to reverse the decline if you see dieback of its large limbs. It is crucial to know your tree and look for any changes and give us a call to help diagnose the problem. We recommend monitoring your trees for insect and disease epidemics and of course, winter watering during dry winters.