Tree Top Times

Japanese Beetles in Denver

Japanese Beetle is making its presence known in turf areas and on shrubs and trees alike. The extreme temperature has taken a toll on many of our lawns. Large brown patches from the intense sun are made worse by a very unwelcome pest. The Japanese Beetle is making its presence known in turf areas, and […]

Voles in Denver

Have you seen vole damage in your landscape? Here are some examples: In Denver, during most summers voles will move into wild or native areas and feed on fast growing grasses and small shrubs. However, this year we have seen active burrowing in turf areas throughout the entire summer. The voles use the burrows that […]

Canada Thistle Pests in Denver

Hidden Pests in Open Spaces – Canada Thistle One of the joys of living in Colorado is enjoying the vast amount of open space all around us. Many of our clients are fortunate enough to live close to or even directly next to open spaces. Unfortunately there are hidden pests that find these areas as […]

Billbugs in Denver

Billbugs Are Making a Strong Appearance This Year in the Denver Metro Area: Over the last few years Bill bugs have not been a huge problem. They were around, but there were few reported cases of large amounts of Billbug damage in lawns. However, this year several areas are seeing a resurgence of this lawn […]

Summer Insects in Denver

Summer Insect Update! Mild spring conditions have resulted in population explosions in several insects that damage our trees and shrubs. In Colorado, the month of May normally includes several very cold nights and even a few snow storms. These lagging winter conditions help to reduce several insect’s populations as they begin to come out of […]