Tree Top Times

Lawn Mite Damage in Denver

Lawn mites are a common destructive insect that will cause severe damage to drought stressed turf in the Denver area. These mites have began to feed and destroy lawns as early as this November and will continue to feed through the winter season, so the damage is often not recognized until lawns begin to come […]

Dollar Spot Disease in Lawns

Dollar spot initially was a major concern on bent grass where it forms spots the size of silver dollars, hence the name “dollar spot.” However, on Kentucky bluegrass lawns the fungi may infect large areas in just a few days. Infected areas four inches or larger may run together, causing large patches. Irregular patches up […]

Banks Turf Mite Facts

Banks turf mites are a common destructive insect that will cause severe damage to drought stressed turf. These mites begin to feed and destroy lawns starting as early as December and will continue to feed through the winter season. The damage to a lawn is not recognized until lawns begin to come out of dormancy […]

Getting Your Turf Ready for Next Spring

Fertilize in fall to get a jump on your green lawn for next year and winter mite control. Early fall is a great time to think about helping your turf get started on the right foot next spring. The cooler weather allows for more effective weed control. The heat of the summer actually forces some […]

Stressed Out Lawns in Denver

The Summer of 2010 was one of the hottest and driest on record, and the stress on your lawns is evident. News reports throughout the summer have reported on the record setting heat. These temperatures, along with below average rainfall, have stressed out lawns since June. Now, with fall here, it is important to prepare […]

Recovering Your Yard From Summer in Denver

Yard recovery this fall Given the very long and hot summer we have had, many lawns have areas of drought stress and/or dormant grass. Just like winter dormancy, summer dormancy involves a loss of green color. The question is: What are appropriate strategies for water management when extended drying conditions arrive? First, consider the health […]

Japanese Beetles in Denver

Japanese Beetle is making its presence known in turf areas and on shrubs and trees alike. The extreme temperature has taken a toll on many of our lawns. Large brown patches from the intense sun are made worse by a very unwelcome pest. The Japanese Beetle is making its presence known in turf areas, and […]

Voles in Denver

Have you seen vole damage in your landscape? Here are some examples: In Denver, during most summers voles will move into wild or native areas and feed on fast growing grasses and small shrubs. However, this year we have seen active burrowing in turf areas throughout the entire summer. The voles use the burrows that […]

Necrotic Ring Spot and Ascochyta Leaf Blight

This summer has left its impression on many areas of our lives. The frequent and harsh hail storms have smashed windows, broken siding, and dented cars. The plentiful rainfall has helped many trees to flourish. The moderate temperatures have allowed many people to sit back and enjoy a lazy summer. However, one thing that seems […]

Heat Stress in Lawns in Denver

Heat Stress in Lawns Much like any other living organism, lawns can suffer symptoms of heat stress. Heat Stress is caused by high heat and lack of rainfall. This can particularly be a problem in the Colorado environment because of our typically dry summers and lack of humidity. Watering consistently is one of the most […]