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Water Saving Tips for your Denver Lawn

We all want beautiful, colorful and healthy lawns, but how much watering is actually needed. There are often water restrictions and our own environmental concerns telling us to use less water. So how much water should you use and how should you use it?

Divide By Zones

Different plants need different amounts of water. Divide your yard into separate irrigation zones so the grass can be watered separately and more frequently than groundcovers, shrubs and trees.

Keep It Balanced

Your lawn wants about one to two inches of water per watering.  Put measuring cups in various places around your lawn and run the sprinklers for 15 minutes. This will give you an idea of how much water the grass is getting and where.

Waste Not, Want Not

The greatest waste of water comes from applying too much, too often—much of it runs off and is never absorbed. Instead of watering for one long continuous session, try splitting the watering time into shorter periods and take 15-minute breaks in between each session. This will let the water soak in, while minimizing runoff.

Watch The Clock

Water between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m.—when the sun is low, winds are calm and temperatures are cool. Midday watering is less efficient because of greater water loss due to evaporation and windy conditions during the day. Watering in the evening isn’t a good idea either because leaves can remain wet overnight—creating prime conditions for fungus to grow

Adjust The System to the Season and Be Rain Smart

Adjust your irrigation system as the seasons and weather change.  You can also install a shut-off device that automatically detects rain or moisture.

Water Only What Grows

Adjust sprinkler heads to avoid watering sidewalks and driveways. A properly adjusted sprinkler head should spray large droplets of water, not a fine mist, to minimize evaporation and wind drift.

Consider Drip

When it comes to watering individual trees, flowerbeds, potted containers or other non-grassy areas, you can apply water directly to the roots with low volume drip irrigation. This will reduce water waste through evaporation or runoff and keep weeds from growing.

Do Routine Inspections

Periodically check your sprinklers to make sure everything is working properly. A clogged head or a torn line can cause damage to your landscape and bump up your water bill.

If you have questions about your Sprinkler system, or if you want a system installed with all the latest technology to help it run as efficiently as possible, contact Mountain High Tree Irrigation department »
