It’s Springtime in the Rockies, a time to start enjoying all the outdoor activities our warmer weather brings. A time to enjoy green grass, flowering plants, gardens and the feel of the sun’s warmth.
Now is the time to get the pre-emergent on your lawn to fight problems – like Crabgrass. It is also time to fertilize your lawn before the heat of the summer hits.
Consider these other benefits of having a healthy lawn:
- A well cared for lawn can significantly increase your property values.
- A healthy lawn is of utmost importance to our environment. A 50-foot by 50-foot lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.
- Lawns cool the atmosphere. Eight average sized healthy front lawns have the cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning, which is enough for 16 average homes.
- Grass converts carbon dioxide to oxygen, a process that helps clear the air.
- Thick, healthy grass slows water runoff, removing contaminants and trapping soil. The roots of grass also provide a natural filer, allowing learner water to return to the underground water supply.