Lee’s May Lawn Tips:
We are right around the corner from the cooler spring weather changing over to the heat of the summer. Here are a few things home owners can do and should know about their lawns.
Most lawns in our area consist of cool-season lawn grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue. These grasses naturally slow down their growing patterns as the temperatures head into the nineties. A yard that is not properly watered may go dormant in the heat of summer. If something happens such as a watering issue while on vacation and the lawn goes dormant, let it stay dormant until cooler weather returns. Do not allow lawns to turn brown and then water them back to a green condition over and over, as this depletes energy reserves and stresses the plants.
Water lawns deeply, applying about 1 to 1-1/2 inches per application, depending on site variables. Water early in the day or during the evening, but while the sun is still up if at all possible.
Revive Applications:
Applications of Revive help lawns deal with less water and more heat. Revive allows for easier uptake of water and provides some micro-nutrients to help the blades of the grass handle the extra stress of the longer and hotter days of summer.
Mountain High’s Lawn Department is always available to help with lawn care needs, and we are strongly recommending Revive treatments as the hot and dry days of summer provide us with extra time to enjoy our lawns.
Mountain High offers Lawn Revive treatments which help with
trouble spots and allows for better moisture uptake by the grass.
Weeds, Insect & Disease Activity:
May is also when dandelions and other early spring weeds start rearing their seed
generating heads. Weeding them or getting a weed treatment to contain them before they all go to seed is important in cutting down on their numbers later in the year.
Please note; a drought stressed lawn during the summer is a prime target for insects and fungi. The more stress a yard is under the easier it is for pests to get established and do damage before anyone notices, since a dormant yard is already brown in appearance.
Mowing height adjustment is probably the most important practice to prepare lawns for hot weather. Mow at heights at least two and a half to three inches. If in doubt, set the mower as high as it will go. Lawns maintained at higher heights usually develop deeper roots and dry out slower than closely mowed turf. Lawn growth will slow as the weather gets drier and hotter.
Keeping blades sharp will allow the tips of the grass to heal more rapidly and prevent moisture loss and stress. A lawn cut with a dull blade will lose almost double the water of a yard cut with a very sharp blade.