We wanted to share this letter about mites from our Lawn Manager:
My name is Lee, the Lawn Service Manager at Mountain High. I wanted to send out this update because, over the past few days, I have found an incredible amount of mites in yards. After doing applications for voles at one property, I found dozens of mites on my pants after kneeling down for only a few seconds.
At another couple of properties, the grass was already to the point of being “crunchy” to walk on, meaning mites had depleted the moisture out of the blades of grass, leaving the plants close to death.
My lawn techs have reported the exact same thing. Over the past several days the lawn and Plant Health Care techs of Mountain High have noted serious mite issue on dozens of other properties while removing holiday lights.
While we have had some snow, the overall moisture content has been low. South and west exposures melted away quickly leaving the areas dry and extremely vulnerable. The warm weather has caused a massive uptick in mite activity, further aggravating the conditions.
Although we will get some more snow and colder weather, this alone will not take care of the mites in our lawns. As overall dry conditions persist and warm days come and go, mites will continue to be extremely aggressive this year.
Acting now, as a team, with a combination of winter watering and targeted mite sprays, we can prevent hundreds of dollars, or more, in turf damage.
Please give us a call or email me to discuss a treatment program for your lawn before it’s too late.
Lee Kral
Lawn Service Manager
Mountain High Tree, Lawn & Landscape
[email protected]