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Preparing Your Trees for Winter

Time to prepare your trees for winter.

The summer seems to have sped by faster than usual this year. The relentless heat of June, July and August is behind us. September brings the hope for cooler nights and more average daytime high temperatures. This is when many of us take a breath, with the kids going back to school and fall right around the corner. It is important not to become too complacent when it comes to our trees. They have fought through the summer heat with us and have been there to give us shade when we needed it most. Now it is time to do our turn and help prepare them for winter with a little TLC.

Tree Pruning in Denver

Pruning trees in the fall is an essential task in Colorado as we are sure to have high winter winds and heavy snowfalls that put tree branches to the test. The task of pruning trees to prepare them for winter focuses on thinning heavy branches, reducing the length of long or horizontal limbs, and removing branches to promote better overall structure. These practices can reduce the likelihood for structural failures that often result in damage to cars, homes and other structures. The cost of pruning trees is far less than the cost of removing storm damage. Additionally, the loss of mature trees due to winter storms has a lasting effect on our landscapes, leaving gaping holes where our woody companions once stood.

It is very important to have your trees evaluated by a qualified Arborist who can help you assess the needs of your landscape. Remember, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (Benjamin Franklin).

We can help you prune your trees, click here to send us an estimate request, or call us at 303.232.0666.