Denver Tree Company Fertilization Deal


We are offering a 10% discount off deep root fertilizing for first time customers of this service. Expires 3/15/16

Fill out the form here or call our office
to get a free quote:
Denver: 303.232.0666
Colorado Springs: 719.444.8800

Fertilize your trees and shrubs to improve their root system. Our Front Range soils are very poor consisting mostly of clay and drastically lack nutrient content. Our trees and plants struggle under these adverse conditions. A quality fertilization program can achieve big improvements toward healthy plant growth. Thorough root fertilization with a slow release fertilizer is recommended every two years.

Our standard program includes both Mycorrhizae and Yuccah to maximize long-term benefits. Additionally, we offer Mycorrhizae combined with other bio-stimulants as therapeutic treatment for newly planted, transplanted, and stressed trees.

Mycorrhizae is a naturally occurring, beneficial fungus that works symbiotically with roots to create a healthier root system.

Yuccah is another natural product derived from Yucca Cactus that loosens hard-packed soil and facilitates full absorption of treatment.

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